Rachel is primarily a storyteller and a lover of humans. Originally from North Carolina, she has worked and lived in Italy since 2009. Professionally she is a tour guide, a writer, and a yoga teacher. Most importantly, she lives full time in Rome, a city that has beguiled, delighted and enchanted her since the first day she arrived. In the last decade she has worked in many sectors of tourism: from tour guide to trip planner to PR director for a well-respected tour company. In 2018, she pursued a lifelong dream and became a certified yoga and meditation teacher in Bali. Since then she has come to recognize that travel and wellness are inextricably linked, especially in Italy. Her dream is to share the joy of slow living and slow travel allowing Italy to serve as a backdrop for people to get in deeper touch with themselves.
In late 2019, she began to coordinate yoga retreats in Italy with respected international yoga teachers. By the first weeks of 2020 she had already organized five retreats for the upcoming year, two of which were completely sold-out. Then the pandemic hit. Tourism came to a screeching halt and life in Rome changed in a matter of weeks. Retreats were postponed, tourists who had booked her services cancelled and she began to reinvent and redefine her own life and career. In January 2021, her musings on life in Italy, “Italianizzata” was published by Open Doors Review. It describes her personal evolution with a global pandemic as the backdrop. Since 2020, she has worked as a consultant for tour companies and individuals looking to expand into Italy and the world of slow travel.
Her adoration of Italy and the Eternal City radiates into every aspect of her life. She currently divides her time between writing, teaching yoga, public speaking engagements, consulting, leading workshops (online and in-person) and planning wellness retreats for 2022 and beyond.
Find more at: www.rachelzitin.com.