Portugal Time (GMT)
09:45 Opening
- Vitor Pereira (ST Director)
- Mário Passos (Mayor of Famalicão)
- Hernâni Dias (Mayor of Bragança)
10:30 Innovation policies and PPP projects on achieving the SDGs People-First is Vital! Pedro Neves
10:50 Coffee-Break
11:10 “Food 4 thoughts – Futuro Sustentável com Produtos Locais e Naturais”
- Luis Rato (Associação Nacional de Street Food)
- João Ministro (Proactivetur)
- Óscar Geadas (Restaurante G)
- Helena Ferreira (Oliva & co)
- Luis Costa Branco (Jornalista)
13:00 Free Lunch
14:00 Bilbao: a journey from industrial decay to a global Smart City Xabier Arruza *
14:20 Dublin Smart DestinationBarry Rogers *
14:40 The smart bourogh of Queens (New York) Rhonda Binda *
15:00 City Partner
15:20 Leadership in new city models: Smart and Green Carles Augusti
15:40 Co-criação, criatividade e inovação digital – Contributos para o Branding territorial Margarida Campolargo
16:00 Brasil Inteligente
- Projeto Areal “Cidade da Uva” Gutinho Bernardes *
- Projeto Serra Negra Jackson Moreira *
- Turismo em Juiz de Fora Marcelo do Carmo *
* Participação Online
Portugal Time (GMT)
10:00 Opening
10:10 Future of cities and citizens: adverse effects of pandemic, virtualities and metaverses Alexander Pichugin
10:30 “Tecnologia e as Utopias Virtuais”
- Luís Bravo Martins (CMO @ KIT-AR) *
- João Monsanto (CEO Larm)
- Hugo Pinto (CEO Innovaworks)
- Sara Eloy (Diretora ISTAR-IUL)
12:15 Famalicão B Smart Vítor Moreira
12:45 City Partner
15:20 Curating (sm)art residencies, exhibitions, and festivals Ralph Overbeck *
15:40 Challenges and trends in the development of
Smart Cities in Poland Aleksander Orlowski *
16:00 Tourism 2.0: Fearless booking of local activities, one video at the time Louis Vignon *
16:20 Destinos + Inteligentes en la Era de la Gobernanza 4.0 Carolina Tkachuk *
16:40 The Romanian Smart Cities Gratian Mihailescu *
17:00 SmartCity & Turismo: Estratégias Conjuntas Solange Arredondo *
17:20 Digital Transformation- enVISION SMARTer futures for territories Ana Abade
17:40 Requalification of public spaces and tourism development: the case of Vizela – northern Portugal Jorge Coelho
Portugal Time (GMT)
10:00 Opening
10:10 Hainan-Smart Island, New Opportunities Huang Cui *
10:30 Public Art Karin F. Giusti *
10:50 Why Slow Travel and Wellness Travel Will Be The Most Important in 2022 and Beyond Rachel Zitin *
11:10 Partner
11:30 Attracting people, talent and business – The case of InvestAmarante, Portugal Tiago Ferreira
11:50 RURALMIND Pablo Bustamante *
12:10 Marketplace para produtos sustentáveis Hugo Almeida
12:30 Partner
14:00 Making cities fit for Green Deal Development Laura P. Spinadel & Bianca Severin *
14:20 Caldas da Rainha, Cosmopolitan city Mariana Calaça Batista